Welcome to Faverolles Gardens
Native Plant Sales & Lavender Farm
in the heart of Central New York
Faverolles Gardens is currently open
by appointment only.
We open for the season on June 7, 2025!
Order Plants using our online form!
Clicking the link above will download an Excel order form, select the plants you wish to purchase, save, and email the form to faverollesgardens@gmail.com.
Why Native Plants?
Native plant gardens increase local biodiversity!
Learn more here…
Loved by pollinators and humans alike, lavender is beautiful and restorative. Being in a field of lavender is a truly multisensory experience: the lavender colors, buzzing of bumble bees, scent of lavender oils, and feel of silky blossoms. It is no surprise that lavender has been a source of beauty and wellness for centuries.
At Faverolles Gardens, we sell culinary lavender buds, fresh lavender bouquets, and lavender plants. Janet is always experimenting with culinary uses of lavender.
Native Plants
Native plants growing in their historical range provide food and shelter for indigenous pollinators, insects, birds, and mammals. They are the crucial backbone to ecosystem food webs. Many species of butterflies and native bees coevolved with native plants and as a result specialize on specific plants for food, larval hosting, and shelter.
Your choice to plant native plants is opening-up an entire world of opportunities for the indigenous flora and fauna in your yard!
Faverolles Gardens is open by appointment only but we will be at CNY Regional Farmers Market on Saturdays beginning in May 2024.
You can also visit our online shop to preorder from a broad range of plants native to central New York.
Janet is available to consult with you in selecting plants.
Motivation and Philosophy
I am concerned about the increasing global decline in biodiversity. Elizabeth Kolbert has eloquently described how we are currently living in the “sixth extinction.” Loss of species and ecosystems combine with global warming to threaten our planet. This leads to ecosystems losing resiliency with the result that many species face extinction… including ours.
With formal training in evolutionary ecology and inspiration from global conservation leader Jane Goodall, I decided to be “Be Hopeful” and do what I can to make a difference. Focusing on local and native plant-animal systems can increase local biodiversity through intentional gardening in our own yards. I am committed to planting native plants and sharing what I learn with others.
Doug Tallamy has been raising awareness that local gardens will ultimately contribute to global biodiversity through Homegrown National Park. This non-profit community educates gardeners and urges all to “Get on the Map!” Every gardener can increase biodiversity by planting native plants that support the life cycles of native insects which in turn support birds and other animals. Humans benefit through increased connections to beautiful natural systems and ultimately from environments that are resilient to the impacts of change. All of these local individual efforts combine in a patchwork quilt of resilient habitats that increase global biodiversity and create a more stable planet for all.